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Our Story

I’m the accidental florist.

Yes that’s right, our segue into floral design happened quite by accident. A few years back, I decided to do the flowers for my own wedding, as I wanted something simple, but quite specific, and couldn’t find a florists that could accommodate my vision or my budget. The florists I looked into were not as flexible as I had hoped they might be, and the price points seemed quite exorbitant for what I had in mind. I was also all about the small details, which didn’t seem to factor into the business models of the designers I contacted. While I figured I could do it on my own, I didn’t have a lot of experience with larger-scale floral. I had organized a lot of events with large numbers of people, so that wasn’t of concern to me, but floral, on this scale, was new. 

By chance, I came across a designer who offered to help me out and show me a few of the ropes. We were able to get all of the wedding floral done and I was happy with the end result. I also loved the process. I loved choosing my flowers, designing them and seeing the end product.

Thereafter I started getting requests from friends, and then friends of friends who had seen or heard about some of the work I had done… bouquets here, showers there, a whole wedding, then another and another…  I found a local supplier and owner of a nearby shop and he helped mentor me as the jobs got bigger and more frequent. He schooled me on floral and the business end of things, which was totally new to me. I was grateful for his time and advice and for supplying me with beautiful blooms. At some point thereafter, we became a real, live business. With the help of Urban Scribes Design Studio (based out of Toronto), a hobby and passion-project evolved into our small, but growing, wedding and event studio.

We love beautiful things and the creativity that goes into every event we do. We pride ourselves on paying attention to the details and personal touches that make your event feel like you and your vision. We hope to be able to work with you as you move forward in planning your special event or wedding day.

Our story keeps growing and changing. We would love for you to be part of it.




